How Covid Is Spread
Before we discuss Rental instruments and cleanliness, we should review how COVID-19 is spread. According to the October 28, 2020 CDC update, COVID-19 is thought to be spread:
Close Contact
- mainly through close contact from person to person, including between people who are physically near each other (within 6 feet).
- People who are infected but do not show symptoms can also spread the virus to others. Rare according to CDC reinfection cases reported.
- Exposure to respiratory droplets at close contact when someone coughs, sneezes, sings, talks or breathes and those droplets are inhaled or deposited on mucus membranes lining the inside of nose and mouth.
- As respiratory droplets travel further from the person, droplet concentration decreases, passing time also decreases their concentration as well.
Airborne Transmission
- Sometimes it can be spread when respiratory droplets linger in the air for minutes to hours -airborn transmission. (CDC, Oct. 2020 update).
- some cases are spread with inadequate ventilation indoors within enclosed spaces – singing, exercising…
Contaminated Surfaces
- Droplets contaminated with the virus can land on surfaces and objects and linger. Not thought to be a common way of spreading the disease, the CDC goes on to say.
Animals and Pets
- again, few cases have emerged in cases where infected owners have spread it to their pets. The risk is low, nevertheless, safe practices should be followed.
Bottom line, we are still learning about how the virus spreads and the severity of illness it causes, therefore, we should all adhere to CDC guidelines.
Protect Yourself and Others
The best way to prevent an illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus (CDC, October 2020). Take the following steps to protect yourself and others:
- Stay at least 6 feet away from others
- Cover your mouth and nose with a mask
- Wash your hands (20 – 30 seconds)
- Avoid crowded indoor spaces and ensure indoor spaces are properly ventilated
- stay at home and isolate
- Routinely clean and disinfect
Musical Instrument Care and COVID-19
Can I play my instrument? Yes, Practice safe hygiene before, during and after playing your instrument or cleaning it. Practice safe distancing, mask wearing when not playing, avoid playing indoors or poorly ventilated or crowded locations. When Possible use plexiglass barriers between players and maintain one musician per stand.
Woodwind and Brass Instruments – hand sanitizer (60% alcohol) may be used to clean your instruments if soap and water are not available. Mouthpieces must be thoroughly cleaned after every use. Bell covers should be considered to prevent spread of respiratory droplets.
String Instruments – soft clean cloth only. Do not share your instrument with anyone. Do not use any product that contains alcohol as it may ruin the varnish. There are care products on the market but it is not necessary. If you must share, use a slightly dampened soft clean cloth to wipe and dry entire instrument and bow down quickly before putting it in its case. If in doubt, contact a string instrument repair person (aka. Luthier).
Rental Instruments – Don’t be afraid to rent an instrument, but do look at the rental instrument before you rent. Does it look like it was cleaned and maintained properly? Most rental fleets have had much use and are warn, but there is a difference between warn and dirty. If you have any question to whether an instrument was cleaned or properly maintained, simply don’t rent it. If your choices of instruments are limited, you can always have the instrument professionally cleaned yourself for peace of mind.